Practical Tips


Wondering what to do with all those Symbols? Here are some ideas.


Complete Product Folder


All of those symbol cards, aura essences and books described in one comprehensive folder. 


All Aura Essences


An overview of all our aura essences and their background themes.


Transmission Card


For the energy transfer of Ingrid's Angel Symbols, Essences, Aura Essences, Oils and Ampoule


Protection Circles


For protecting persons, houses, animals, journeys,

projects, etc.


Cutting Circles


For clearing relationships, dependencies, 

co-dependencies, behaviour, etc. 


Pendulum Tables


Ingrid Auer described in her book "Spiritual Essences. Interdimensional tools for a New Age" the use of pendulum tables to check the right Angel / Master Essence or Symbol. 


Pendulum Guide


Practical tips on how to use the pendulum efficiently.


Children's Stories


21 stories for kids going hand in hand with each of the 21 Angel Symbols for Children.


Free eBook "How Angels work"


Since 1997 Angel Symbols and Angel Essences have been used as tools from the spiritual world, more and more successfully. The reason why Gerd Schwank, partner of Ingrid Auer, started to interview numerous users, was to show the great variety of possible fields of application. The book should provide evidence of the effectiveness of these angelic tools both for laymen and energy-practitioners. Furthermore it wants to encourage those who are open for new and unconventional paths.